An open letter to the LGBT community from Philly Pride Presents

Philly Pride, the gay Pride organization for Greater Philadelphia, is pleased to bring our community its two biggest events: OutFest in October and PrideDay (the LGBT Pride Parade and Festival) in June. (“Reflections on Pride” is this year’s theme for June 8.) Our Pride coordinators and executive director work tirelessly all year to make our events successful and to present the community with its two largest networking events. We love what we do.

Financial realities forced us to start charging admission to Penn’s Landing many years ago, and we have held the line at the $10 admission since 2002. This year, the coordinators have voted to raise the admission to $15, Costs keep escalating: site rental, fencing, golf carts, insurance, performers, the price of beer and alcohol, permits, sound equipment, etc., etc. All of these add up to a staggering amount, but entrance fees to the festival pay for the parade and the festival, and provide some seed money for OutFest, for which we cannot charge admission. Our vending fee for community groups and businesses is just about as high as we think it can go, so we don’t have much of an option.

Of course, you can still get the $10 price if you buy your wristband in advance at our kick-off street party, June 6. And, you can always get in for free if you volunteer!

Visit our website at and get involved. It is still the best way to experience PrideDay.

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