ACLU offers new LGBT scholarship

The American Civil Liberties Foundation of Pennsylvania announced this week its creation of a new scholarship for LGBT students.

The Frankel-Adair Scholarship for LGBT Students will provide funding of $1,500 for Philadelphia-area students currently pursuing a college degree.

The scholarship, which was named after late former executive and legislative director of ACLU-PA Larry Frankel and the benefactor Thomas T. Adair Trust, was created to help LGBT students achieve all levels of education. The scholarship “shall be used for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students to enable or assist them to obtain post-secondary education of any type (college, technical, art, vocational or other education training programs) for students who reside in the Greater Philadelphia area.”

Eligibility for the scholarship is wide-ranging.

Both part- and full-time students can apply, as well as students pursuing any post-secondary degree or certificate program; it is not restricted to only students in four-year undergraduate or graduate degree-granting programs.

There is no age limitations to apply for the scholarship.

Interested individuals must include a cover letter, verification of enrollment in a degree-granting or certification program, a resume, recent transcript, a personal essay of up to 1,000 words describing experience, outlook or goals and how the scholarship could help, a short paragraph on how the scholarship could help the student financially and two recommendations.

The application process for the 2014-15 scholarship opened Feb. 1 and submissions must be in by 5 p.m. April 30.

For more information on application materials or requirements, visit or email ACLU-PA development associate Peggy Curchack at [email protected].

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