Center explores ‘devotion’ in new exhibit

The William Way LGBT Community Center has played host to a one-of-a-kind exhibit exploring the lives and loves of LGBT couples since the beginning of the year, and is gearing up to host a special event to coincide with Valentine’s Day weekend.

“The Devotion Project” is being staged at the John J. Wilcox Gallery at William Way, 1315 Spruce St. The exhibit, created by Antony Osso, includes both framed photographs and a digital installation focusing on same-sex couples.

Osso worked with Freedom to Marry to create three versions of the six-part documentary film series.

The exhibit at the center will run until Feb. 28, and director of center services Candice Thompson said it’s a unique one.

“This is the first time the project has been installed in this way, as an exhibition in a physical location along with photographic portraits from the project,” she said. “We’re so happy to have it here for the next month.”

Thompson said Jordan Rockford, an at-large member of the center’s art gallery committee, advocated for the project’s presence at the center.

“He created a proposal and worked with us to create the vision to feature LGBTQ loving couples,” she said.

Thompson said the exhibit helps to promote exposure and visibility of LGBT couples.

“So many different types of people walk through our doors every day and we have thousands of visitors a month who use our space and certainly not all of them are LGBTQ,” she said. “This is a simple, effective way to expose them to a reality they may not otherwise see portrayed in places like the mainstream media or in their own families.”

Thompson said “The Devotion Project” tells the stories of all facets of the LGBT community, including families, transgender people, older adults and people of color.

“It tells six very-unique stories about people who have a multiplicity of identities and concerns, but the one thing they have in common is their love and commitment for one another and it’s beautiful,” she said. “When you see these videos, you truly witness the lived realities of so many LGBTQ couples, free of the stereotypes, and with an authenticity that is just simply heartwarming.”

The center will host a special screening from 3-5 p.m. Feb. 15 with a question-and-answer session with both Osso and featured couples, as well as representatives from Freedom To Marry.

For more information on the exhibit, visit

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