Will marriage equality in New Jersey accelerate the same in Pennsylvania?
Sara Becker
sales associate | Bella Vista
“New Jersey will influence the city because we’re so close. But the rest of the state won’t care. The majority of the state doesn’t live in Philadelphia. Marriage equality isn’t on their radar. So what New Jersey does won’t hold sway for the rural sections.”
Sara Becker
sales associate | Bella Vista
“New Jersey will influence the city because we’re so close. But the rest of the state won’t care. The majority of the state doesn’t live in Philadelphia. Marriage equality isn’t on their radar. So what New Jersey does won’t hold sway for the rural sections.”

Sarah Boynton
server | Fishtown
“No. There’s a small portion of Pennsylvania that’s contiguous to New Jersey. But it’s not enough of a connection to make an impact. The central part of the state is very conservative. I don’t see that area changing its mind [about marriage equality] any time soon.”

Joseph Gearity
student | Drexel Hill
“No. The real factor will be getting Gov. Corbett out of office. He’s a barbarian. He compared gay marriage to incest. That was sickening. He needs to go. He’s bad on so many issues. Once he goes, I guarantee you things will change. But until then, we’ll have the same oppressive environment.”

Jacqueline Sosalski
student | Northeast Philadelphia
“Yes. New Jersey will be greatly influential. We’re the only state in the Northeast that doesn’t have marriage equality. It’s an embarrass-ment to the state. I’m embarrassed for the state. It looks bad for Pennsylvania. So I think the situation [in New Jersey] will prompt an acceptance of marriage equality here.”
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