What’s the best way to get ENDA passed this session of Congress?
Megan Brown
illustrator | Washington Square West
“Do online petitions, like change.org. If millions of people sign petitions, you’ll have something tangible to show for your efforts. Also, people should be encouraged to utilize social media to the fullest extent possible. It helps raise awareness and increases the number of people who sign the petitions.”
Megan Brown
illustrator | Washington Square West
“Do online petitions, like change.org. If millions of people sign petitions, you’ll have something tangible to show for your efforts. Also, people should be encouraged to utilize social media to the fullest extent possible. It helps raise awareness and increases the number of people who sign the petitions.”

Al-Nis Cruse
hostess | North Philadelphia
“Mass picketing outside Congress. Participants should be vocal, to get as much attention as possible. Also, do a media blitz, including [the use of] billboards. And get the support of celebrities, who can speak out about the importance of passing the legislation.”

Kerry Maatallah
administrative assistant | Washington Square West
“Hold a big march to the Constitution Center. It’s a prominent symbol of our Constitution, which stands for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The march should be followed by a sit-in, where people shouldn’t leave until they’re removed by police. It will drive home that a national LGBT civil-rights bill is important. We have to have it.”

Dylan Medlock
café manager | Washington Square West
“Get tons of people to march in D.C., showing that being gay is the norm. That will help make Americans more receptive to the idea. The next day, bring it down to a personal level by having people visit their representatives in Congress. The personal touch is always effective.”
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