Forum staffer heads to FIGHT

Equality Forum communications director Chip Alfred is leaving that post to take on a role at another community organization.

Alfred will start as Philadelphia FIGHT’s director of communications, public relations and events Sept. 24. His last day at Equality Forum, where he has worked for five years, is the day before.

Alfred takes over the FIGHT position that was recently vacated by Mark Seaman.

Alfred was born in Albany, N.Y., and has lived in Philadelphia for the past five years. He received his bachelor’s in broadcast communications from San Francisco State University and went on to work in the television industry, doing everything from promotions to producing, writing and directing.

He was working out of Lexington, Ky., in 2008 when the Equality Forum position arose.

“At that point, I had done a lot of work in television and I was ready for a change and I love to write and do the public-relations part of the job and the media relations, so I applied for the position at Equality Forum as communications director,” he said. “I am passionate about working for the LGBT community and, having worked in LGBT media in several different publications, I was drawn to that element of the position because I could use my skills as a promotions manager in a different realm. With this job, I’ve instantly connected with so many organizations and so many people in the media and in the LGBT community, so it was a good move.”

Alfred is a longtime member of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association and is also the publicity chair for the Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus. He is also editor-at-large for A&U.

With communications, public-relations and writing experience under his belt, Alfred said, the position at Philadelphia FIGHT seemed like the perfect fit.

“I looked at the position and it looked like it was written for me. I have a lot to learn about the organization and culture, but this job is right up my alley, and I am very excited to join this organization and be a FIGHTER,” he said. “This is exactly what I want to do and where I want to do it. I think Philadelphia FIGHT is the best in town at what they do. They offer a broad array of services for people living with HIV regardless of who you are or ability to pay and that is important.”

Alfred said he’s eager to show the city what the organization has to offer.

“I want to put Philadelphia FIGHT more on the map and make more people aware of the work that we do and make our events more successful. The position encompasses a lot of different things and I just want to exceed their expectations.”

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