Sisters hosts wedding weekend

Although Pennsylvania is not on the short list of states that could sanction same-sex marriage, one local club is making it possible for same-sex couples to get “formally attached” for the night.

Sisters Nightclub will host a “Big Gay Wedding” weekend event from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. June 14 and 15 at the venue, 1320 Chancellor St.

Attendees will have the chance to get formally attached for the night or the weekend to their special someone. Admission is $5 for The Bachelor and Bachelorette Party on June 14 and $8 for The Wedding and Reception the following night.

Sisters owner Denise Cohen said the club hosted a mass wedding in 1997, a year after the nightclub first opened.

“We married 15 couples — not legally of course — but we had someone to officiate the ceremonies,” Cohen said. “With everything going on with marriage equality, we wanted to raise awareness in a fun way and have a party to raise awareness.”

A portion of the proceeds will go to support bus trips the club is helping organize to take local activists to Harrisburg for a June 22 marriage-equality rally. Funds raised will also go to Human Rights Campaign, local LGBT efforts and to support pro-LGBT politicians.

The club will make ample use of its three floors, with the poolroom used as the wedding chapel and the entrance and upper level for the reception.

“We will have somebody dressed like the pope who will officiate the ceremonies,” she said. “People can get formally attached, get a certificate. There will be complimentary wedding cake and champagne, food and a DJ. People can get their picture taken and then party to raise awareness.”

The events will also feature a raffle, with prizes ranging from gift certificates for rings to a wedding cake and a limo.

The club may stage a similar event in October, although Cohen said she ultimately hopes such events will be unnecessary.

“I hope Pennsylvania gets marriage equality. But, if not, we will continue to do it to raise awareness.”

Cohen said those who don’t “take the plunge” can treat the event like they would any other wedding.

“Just like everybody going to a wedding, you are going to have a good time. There will be champagne, people will dance and you might hook up with someone — just like any other wedding.”

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