Homeless youth shine on Philly stage

Broadway stars and local homeless youth will come together next week to share stories of heartbreak and success. “Night of Broadway Stars” will be held 6:30 p.m. May 13 at the Kimmel Center, with proceeds benefiting Covenant House. The annual event is the nonprofit’s largest fundraiser, according to Covenant House associate executive director Hugh Organ. The show will feature performances by an array of Broadway performers, including out singer and actor John Treacy Egan, whose motivation to get involved came from a long history with Covenant House. “I had been fundraising for Covenant House myself when I was a teenager in the 1970s so I was invited to participate in this event,” he said. “I was thrilled because I used to put on shows and the money would go to Covenant House. It is amazing to see how they have grown. Homelessness never goes away; it is something you are going to solve case-by-case.” The show will feature 20 songs, including seven by performers ages 18-21 from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. “For them, it is their chance to show off their talents,” Organ said. “We have some very gifted kids, and the ability to be a part of this show is a great opportunity for them. The highlight of the show is when the kids get to perform. They do a fantastic job.” Organ said about 20 percent of Covenant House’s clients are self-identified LGBT youth. “Being a teen is hard enough, but being LGBT is just one more extra struggle,” Egan added. “To have somebody on your side and give you a leg up and tell you they love you and that you are worth it is important. I think that is where we really need to be. Homelessness is this plague that keeps surfacing.” Organ said he hopes the show helps spread the word about Covenant House’s work. “For us to do the work we do, we can’t do that without the support of individuals who come to events. I hope this show helps them become lifelong supporters. It is a fabulous show but for me it is more about the kids — these are talented, gifted kids who have been thrown away by our society. They are really amazing and, given proper support, people get to see how amazing they are.” Egan said the event, and Covenant House’s ongoing work, enriches the lives of countless youth. “They are a support system in many ways and they help these kids stand on their own, find and keep work. It makes a huge difference in the lives of these kids.” For more information, visit www.covenanthouse.org.

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