Will Nancy Reagan’s support of marriage equality have an impact?
Felicia Cadet
student | Northeast Philadelphia
“Yes. She’s an important person. She’ll go down in American history. I think everyone will pay attention to what she has to say. She must be intelligent to get to her position in society.”
Felicia Cadet
student | Northeast Philadelphia
“Yes. She’s an important person. She’ll go down in American history. I think everyone will pay attention to what she has to say. She must be intelligent to get to her position in society.”

Andrew Murray
deli cook | South Philadelphia
“Yes. She has some power with conservative Republicans. Some of them might change their minds and support marriage equality. They’re obsessed with her late husband and think he was a god. So naturally she’ll hold some sway with them.”

Andrew Putney
market researcher | Manchester, Vt.
“Yes, she’s the Grand Dame of the GOP. There are still people who look up to her. I always thought she was a pretty cool lady. She influenced her husband quite a bit. She humanized him. Why wouldn’t she influence the rest of the country?”

Mira Williams
student | Germantown
“No. I never heard of her. Our generation doesn’t really know anything about her. People who do know [of] her are older and set in their ways. They’ve already formed their opinion [on marriage equality] and wouldn’t be affected by what she thinks.”
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