Get Out and Play: Boxers or briefs?

Winter has given us some nice days, some wet days and some frigid days this year. But hundreds of runners are hoping for the best Feb. 9 when Philadelphia’s first Cupid’s Undie Run kicks off Fairmount. Having been a very successful and entertaining event in other cites, this Philly first fun-run fundraiser is already generating some chatter.

While there will not be a time-based winner, there are many runners vying for top prizes for the amount of money they collect for the Children’s Tumor Foundation. Sixteen other U.S. cities also have similar runs, as does Sydney, Australia.

Here in Philadelphia, Matt O’Neill was hoping to raise at least $100 for the cause and is pleased he broke the $600 mark. More than $400,000 has been raised since the run’s 2010 inception in Washington, D.C.

How does O’Neill feel about running through Philadelphia in his underwear? “When I signed up for it, running in public was definitely a lot to take in, but since I know there are people who do the naked bike ride and I know I’ll never be as nude as them, I’ll survive,” O’Neill said. “And it’s for a great cause, so how could I say no?”

As for the weather, the run will go on in rain, sun, sleet or snow.

“I say bring it. The worse, the better,” said O’Neill.

As for his underwear choice: “Since so many people are supporting me, I thought I’d let the public decide.”

A team from Tabu will also participate and, as of presstime, are in fifth-place in fundraising.

The Undie Run pre-race festivities begin at noon at Urban Saloon, 2120 Fairmount Ave. The approximately 1-mile run circles Eastern State Penitentiary starting at 2 p.m. Visit for more information.

And yes, I will be there to bring you the photo!

Gay Games 9

What’s that, you say? The only sports you play are pool and darts?

Well, aren’t you fortunate that they are both competitions in the Gay Games, and you could take home a medal for your skill with a cue stick or a dart! A big plus for you when it comes to practice is you’re likely going to have to do it in a bar. There are a few other sports you might be curious about in the GG9 in Cleveland. For one, table tennis (ping pong) is on the docket. You can practice for this sport year- round in your own basement. Cheer is also a Gay Games sport. If you’ve always wanted to be a cheerleader, you’ve got about 18 months to put together your ensemble and your, uh, ensemble. Keep your eye on this column for regular GG9 information and adventures, and in the meantime, get out and play!

Short stops

• Gryphons Rugby Football Club has its first spring practice Feb. 9 and boot camp Feb. 16 at George Pepper Middle School. Warm-ups are at 11:30 a.m. with the real work starting at noon. You don’t have to commit to play if you just want to try it out. It’s a chance to mix it up with these roughnecks and maybe get involved; . • Team Philadelphia has its next meeting at 7 p.m. Feb. 18 at the William Way Community Center.

Countdown to Gay Games 9: 546 days. Send your questions, comments and photo opportunities to [email protected].

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