I have heard it suggested by some that Philadelphia Magazine is racist and sexist but I never believed that — but now I’m actually beginning to think it might be so. And maybe we might add homophobic. You be the judge.
Have you seen the January issue? By the lack of advertising, I’m guessing their readership is way down and you, like many others, may not have seen it. But there’s an article about the gay community called, “Your Guide to Philadelphia’s A-Gays,” as well as what we in the business call a sidebar — but what in this case seems like a separate article — called “Rainbow Coalition: Who’s Who in the City’s A-Gay Universe.”
Notice I write gay community, not LGBT community. Why? If you look at the article(s), they make it appear that the entire community, or in this case “universe,” is made up of only white men. Yep, you read that right. The article could have come out of a magazine from Alabama in 1960. The article, which has 28 pictures of those profiled in some sort of way, has not one woman. And only one African-American, out of 28 people. And let’s not even mention the trans word. We’ll frighten the poor non-gay people at Philadelphia Magazine.
Philly Mag says there are no women of power in Philly’s LGBT community. How out of touch are they? There are major lesbians (learn the word, Philly Mag) running city government, as executive directors of health and youth organizations and so much more. Same with African-Americans in our community. Plus the amazing grace and skills of organizations such as COLOURS, SisterSpace and GALAEI.
Gee, and what about the lesbians and people of color who are running for public office from this community? The other article is all about the boys’ club at the Union League … Guess there are no lesbians there either. Pitiful.
In the past, Philadelphia Magazine has stereotyped this community, attempted to re-create old stories as new, mislead leaders of the community and attempt to exploit us. They lack any sensibility or knowledge of our community, and our community knows it. Our community hasn’t forgotten their blatant homophobia. Hasn’t forgotten that their president has been involved with the Boy Scouts.
And if you are LGBT and work for these people and had anything to do with these articles, ask yourself something: Is it that I have a lack of knowledge and respect for my own community? Or are they using me as a tool?
Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the nation’s most-award-winning commentator in LGBT media. He can be reached at [email protected].