Out attorney launches first Common Pleas campaign

Abbe Fletman is a newcomer to campaigning for a judgeship on the Court of Common Pleas, but she intends to use her extensive legal experience to win.

Fletman is an out commercial litigator for Flaster/Greenberg, a commercial-business firm. Fletman received her law degree from the University of Pennsylvania.

She said she pursued a career in law to help her community — which she said also influenced her decision to run for one of the 10 spots for Common Pleas Judge.

“I was motivated by a desire to help people and to actively participate in bettering my community,” she said. “This is a chance to be of service, and I am fortunate to be in a place in my personal life and career where I am able to do so.”

Fletman has represented a range of companies in business disputes, specifically focusing on intellectual-property issues. She has also served as a representative for women’s sports teams, seeking equality in college sports in Title IX litigation, and has legal experience in political campaigns.

“I often represent political campaigns and candidates in election-related matters, including serving on the statewide lawyer’s steering committee for President Obama’s reelection campaign,” she said.

Fletman also worked as pro-bono counsel in cases involving confidentiality of records of HIV testing and securing the rights of same-sex life partners in such matters as gravestone inscriptions.

She has also been in a variety of leadership roles in local and national LGBT grous.

“In the mid-1980s, while I was still in law school, I served as the first female cochair of the organization that became Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia,” she said. “ I also served as the first female cochair of the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Legal Rights of Lesbians and Gay Men Committee. Nationally, I helped establish the LGBT Litigator Committee of the American Bar Association’s Litigation Section.”

Fletman said electing out candidates promotes the notion that the judicial system is fair and impartial.

“Litigants will tend to have more faith in a judicial system that reflects the diversity of our great city,” she said.

Although campaigning won’t officially start until later this month, Fletman said she is prepared.

“I have been laying the groundwork for my campaign organization and have been meeting with leaders in many communities, including the LGBT community, for advice and support.”

Fletman said her Philadelphia roots and experience as a trial lawyer are among the attributes she could contribute to the bench.

“I would bring my intellect, experience and devotion to fairness to the bench as well as a willingness to listen and make prompt decisions,” she said.

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