Mazzoni offers holiday help

Sweets and cocktails will abound next week at a holiday fundraiser to benefit children affected by HIV/AIDS and homelessness.

The third annual “Beer & Cupcakes” will be held 7 p.m.-2 a.m. Dec. 7 at The Bike Stop, 206 S. Quince St.

Mazzoni will use all proceeds to buy toys, new coats and other winter apparel for local children.

In 2011, Mazzoni was able to provide coats and toys to 180 children affected by HIV/AIDS and coats and winter apparel, as well as hygiene kits, to 70 LGBT homeless youth.

According to Ryan Goldner, case-management coordinator, the event started as a toy drive 10 years ago.

“As the years went on, kids were coming into the office with their parents and they wouldn’t have a coat on,” he said.

Goldner said the event’s affordability makes it unique from other Philadelphia fundraisers. The event is free to enter, with a wealth of drink specials and $2 cupcakes.

With the cut to a state public-assistance fund that provided some of those affected with HIV/AIDS and other terminal illnesses a monthly stipend, Goldner said Mazzoni clients are struggling even to provide holiday gifts to their families this year.

He also noted that Mazzoni’s clientele base is growing because of the increase in the number of programs the health center provides, such as its expanded hours for the youth drop-in center.

Beer & Cupcakes has raised $4,000 in the past three years, including $1,400 last year. This year, Goldner said Mazzoni hopes to break the $2,000 mark.

“It is the last-ditch effort of our fundraising before we go shopping for kids. We have 70-80 homeless LGBT youth we serve,” he said. “It’s fun because the Monday following the event, we rent out a U-Haul and go to Target and Walmart and buy a ton of coats and toys with the money we raised. It’s a cool fundraiser because it gets a lot of people involved.”

This year will feature a new segment called “The Golden Cupcake Award,” honoring Philly AIDS Thrift, The Philadelphians Motorcycle Club and The Bike Stop for their hard work and dedication to bring attention to LGBT homeless youth.

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