What freedom do you value most in America?
Rachel Berger
teacher’s assistant | Lower Merion
“Freedom of religion. I was in France not long ago — everything was oriented to the Catholic religion, even though there’s a growing Muslim population. There was very little acceptance of religious diversity. It’s much better here, in that regard.”
Rachel Berger
teacher’s assistant | Lower Merion
“Freedom of religion. I was in France not long ago — everything was oriented to the Catholic religion, even though there’s a growing Muslim population. There was very little acceptance of religious diversity. It’s much better here, in that regard.”
Jordan Daniels
teacher | Baltimore
“Freedom of the press, because of the different perspectives that you get in the media. Sometimes the views are polar opposites. But you always get a lot of different ideas. Then, you have the freedom to form your own opinions. Nobody foists an agenda on you.”
Sarah Ferst
nonprofit fundraiser | Society Hill
“Freedom to question the actions of your government. And to whistle-blow when you see wrongdoing. You can hold the government more accountable here than elsewhere. I was living in Central and South America recently: In a lot of places, the government is very corrupt.”
Cleon Jones
teacher | Atlanta
“The freedom to pursue the American dream. In America, you have the opportunity to get a solid education, to work hard and to succeed in life. That’s what I value most about this country.”
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