What LGBT icon should have a street renamed in his or her honor?
Layra Diaz
department manager | Oxford
“Lady Gaga. I love her music. She’s unique. I like everything about her. She doesn’t care what people say about her. She’s her own person. I’m the same way.”
Layra Diaz
department manager | Oxford
“Lady Gaga. I love her music. She’s unique. I like everything about her. She doesn’t care what people say about her. She’s her own person. I’m the same way.”
Robert Herman
mortgage-sales analyst | Bella Vista
“Harvey Milk. I saw the movie about him. He was a voice for the little guy. In his day, LGBTs were voiceless. He gave them a voice. His death left an enormous void in the community.”
Brett Mason
cook | South Philadelphia
“Freddie Mercury. I’m a huge Queen fan. I listen to their music whenever I can. I don’t see why we can’t have a street named for Freddie. I’d also like a street named for Liberace. He was very flamboyant — and sometimes you need flamboyance to shake up the world a bit.”
Karina Rodriguez
sales associate | West Grove
“Billie Jean King. I’m a big supporter of women’s rights. I think it’s so cool that she beat Bobby Riggs in that tennis match. She’s a tough lady. And I admire strong women.”
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