What are you doing to elect LGBT-friendly candidates this primary?

    Human Rights Campaign, Equality Pennsylvania and Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club want you to remember a date: April 14. It’s only eight weeks away. It’s an important day for one simple reason: It’s Pennsylvania’s Primary Day. Yes, you get to put your stamp of approval or disapproval on your state and federal elected officials. At least some of them. And this primary has one of our national heroes running in it, and it’s up to our community to heed that call to action and help get him elected. But first, let’s look at how those organizations at the top contribute to our goal of equality.

    Let’s start at the top with the national role — Human Rights Campaign. HRC is by far the largest LGBT equality organization in the nation with more members, chapters and funds. Its primary goal is to work on legislation and lobby the administration for change. If you like all the changes in LGBT rights coming out of the Obama administration over the last three years, and I admit that I do, then thank HRC.

    Equality Pennsylvania has done something activists have been trying to do since the 1970s: unite the LGBT community across the state to deliver one clear message to the Legislature and administration. They work with numerous organizations around the state and together have jump-started nondiscrimination and civil-union legislation in counties throughout the commonwealth.

    Then there’s Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club. They are the grassroots Democrats of the Philly LGBT community. They are what many would consider in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. And going to one of their meetings is seeing democracy in action: They really debate the issues and candidates.

    Let’s get back to that date again. April 14 is less than eight weeks from now. There is one candidate we know all three organizations will support in some way: former U.S. Rep. Pat Murphy is running for Pennsylvania Attorney General. He has an opponent who it is said can finance her own campaign. Murphy, the Congressman who spearheaded the legislation that killed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” needs your help. So when HRC asks you to come to a dinner or buy a ticket, when Equality Pa. asks you to come to a cocktail party to meet Pat or another candidate, when Liberty City starts its march toward Primary Day and invites you to meetings — go. With all of these organizations, there are two other things you can do. First, contribute funds if you are able and, second, volunteer your time.

    Working with these organizations and others who work the political system is what brings change. You might not agree with all their issues, tactics process or leaders, but they work and have success. Rather than sit on the sidelines and complain, join the battle on whatever level you feel comfortable. It not only helps your community, it’s fun. And at the end of the day, you’ll feel you’ve added just a little something to the world you live in.

    Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the nation’s most-award-winning commentator in LGBT media. He can be reached at [email protected].

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    Mark Segal
    Mark Segal is an American journalist. He is the founder and publisher of Philadelphia Gay News and has won numerous journalism awards for his column "Mark My Words," including best column by The National Newspaper Association, Suburban Newspaper Association and The Society of Professional Journalists.