Does viewing gayness as a choice hurt the LGBT movement?
Kelsey Hand
homemaker | Port Richmond
“Yes, it hurts, because being gay isn’t a choice. It’s a feeling. I have feelings for women. I didn’t choose that. It’s not truthful to view it as a choice. That just misleads people.”
Kelsey Hand
homemaker | Port Richmond
“Yes, it hurts, because being gay isn’t a choice. It’s a feeling. I have feelings for women. I didn’t choose that. It’s not truthful to view it as a choice. That just misleads people.”

Emma Hewett
office clerk | Melbourne, Australia
“No. My best friend is gay. I love him like a brother. I think it’s so admirable, what he’s doing to express himself. He’s a wonderful person, who’s made a choice that should be applauded.”

Carl Irwin
chef | Hamilton, New Zealand
“No. It’s OK to be gay. It’s a personal choice that doesn’t affect anyone else. It shouldn’t be seen as a negative. It has an empowering effect to view gayness as a choice.”

Jillian Schayer
administrative assistant | South Philadelphia
“Yes, because it minimizes the issue. Some people already think gays are making a big deal about [their gayness]. They don’t like the parades. To also see it as a choice would just aggravate people even more. It doesn’t help things.”
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