New Year’s resolutions

    Amy: To never allow myself to settle for anything less than happiness, and to continue doing my best to improve the person I am.

    Brooke: To see Led Zeppelin if they go back on tour …

    Dan: Stop, collaborate and listen.

    Greg: Stop ignoring auto correct on my phone.

    Jen: To live each day with purpose and meaning.

    Larry: A significant increase in prosperity.

    Prab: Quit trying to reason with unreasonable people.

    Sarah: To continue working on better health, fitness and nutrition (consistency!), do things that make me happy and pursue new challenges.

    Scott: Work on remembering people’s names better. And finally get my passport and leave the country. For a few days, at least.

    Sean: To better manage my time and sleep more.

    Tim: Do 100 sit-ups daily to eliminate those annoying love handles. And watch less Fox News so my editor doesn’t worry about me!

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