Will same-sex marriage be a decisive issue in the 2012 election?
Michelle Miller
student | Washington Square West
“No. The Republicans realize it’s becoming more accepted. Obama won’t use it as a huge position to get reelected, but he’ll make it a side issue, depending on his audience, and the part of the country he’s speaking to. He’s a very good politician.”
Michelle Miller
student | Washington Square West
“No. The Republicans realize it’s becoming more accepted. Obama won’t use it as a huge position to get reelected, but he’ll make it a side issue, depending on his audience, and the part of the country he’s speaking to. He’s a very good politician.”
Brittany Behar
medical student | Washington Square West
“Probably not. Jobs and the economy will be the main issues. Obama will use gay marriage if he feels he can win some swing voters. But overall, I tend to think both sides will steer clear of the subject because it’s so polarizing.”
Thomas Bracali
bartender | Washington Square West
“No. The Republicans will try to make it an issue to avoid talking about substantive issues like health care, taxation and the banking system. Obama will probably avoid the topic because it might turn off a lot of voters.”
Perry Santulli
student | Washington Square West
“No. Republicans realize the new, young voters are open-minded and in support of LGBT rights. So they’ll probably keep it on the back-burner. Obama is personally uncomfortable with the issue: He won’t turn it into a bullet point.”
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