Should Bert and Ernie get married?
Peter King
artist | Washington Square West
“No, that would be going too far for a children’s show. I’m all for LGBT rights. But Sesame Street is definitely not the forum to make that point. It’s not a platform for social issues.”
Peter King
artist | Washington Square West
“No, that would be going too far for a children’s show. I’m all for LGBT rights. But Sesame Street is definitely not the forum to make that point. It’s not a platform for social issues.”

Marty Perkins
student | East Falls
“Of course. I thought they already were. Sesame Street would be a great place for kids to learn about LGBT issues. It’s a progressive show. It’s educational, but also entertaining.”

Jessica Wegman
hairstylist | Lancaster
“Yes. Kids need a better under-standing of diversity. They have to be informed about the facts of life. Gayness isn’t something you should be ashamed of. Gay marriage shouldn’t be hidden from children or downplayed.”

Jason Wegman
carpenter | Lancaster
“Absolutely. Jump into it. It’s obvious Bert and Ernie are gay. And children need to be exposed to gay marriage. I have a 4-year-old son — I know he could handle it fine.”
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