Media Trail

Cain says he should have spoken up for gay soldier

Yahoo News reports GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain said he should not have stayed silent after the audience booed a gay soldier at a recent GOP debate.

The Georgia businessman said it would have been “appropriate” for him to defend the soldier. None of the candidates at the Sept. 22 forum responded to the booing.

Cain’s remarks came after President Obama on Sept. 30 chastised the GOP candidates at the debate, saying the nation’s commander-in-chief should stand up for Americans in uniform.

The soldier was booed when he asked via a recorded video if the candidates would thwart progress for gay servicemembers.

Deacons held for assault

The Advocate reports a gay Tennessee couple allege they were beaten as they tried to attend services at Grace Fellowship Church in Fruitland — and that the assault was prompted by the father of one of them, who happens to be the church’s pastor.

Jerry Pittman Jr. said his father, Pastor Jerry Pittman, instigated the attack.

“My uncle and two other deacons came over to the car per my dad’s request,” he said. “My uncle smashed me in the door as the other deacon knocked my boyfriend back so he couldn’t help me, punching him in his face and his chest. The other deacon came and hit me through my car window in my back.”

Charges were filed against deacons Billy Sims, Eugene McCoy and Patrick Flatt as well as Pittman Sr.

NY considers Medicaid for transgender surgery

CBS News reports a panel considering ways to revamp Medicaid in New York has proposed that the program that pays for low-income residents’ health care cover sex-reassignment surgery and hormone-replacement therapy.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo appointed a task force earlier this year to overhaul the Medicaid system and cut costs. A group of health-care professionals is expected to decide where the transgender proposal fits on its list of priorities.

Advocates say the change could cut Medicaid costs for mental-health and drug-abuse treatment.

— compiled by Larry Nichols

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