Should HIV transmission be decriminalized?

Should HIV transmission be decriminalized?

Nicholas Boccella
electrician | North Philadelphia
“No. If a girl gave me AIDS, I’d be very upset. There should be some type of law on the books to deal with that situation. A judge or a jury could decide the actual punishment. But the law should make it a crime.”

Nicholas Boccella
electrician | North Philadelphia
“No. If a girl gave me AIDS, I’d be very upset. There should be some type of law on the books to deal with that situation. A judge or a jury could decide the actual punishment. But the law should make it a crime.”

Gina DiSalvo
veterinarian technician | Williamstown, N.J.
“Yes. You have to protect yourself. Just assume everybody has AIDS. It’s your body to protect. The only exceptions would be for rape or sexual assault. Otherwise, you can’t rely on the law — or someone telling you the truth — for protection.”

Kyle Putalonis
handyman | Queen Village
“Yes. I don’t think a law does any good. A law isn’t going to stop people from having sex. Personally, I always wear protection when I have sex. So it’s not an issue for me.”

Erica Rios
loss-prevention manager | Blackwood, N.J.
“No. People with HIV have a responsibility to disclose their status to a sex partner. They know how horrible the disease is. Why would they want to expose someone else to the same disease, without disclosing their health status? People have a right to know.”

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