Liberty City elects new leaders

Liberty City Democratic Club elected two new executive board members last week.

At its May 5 meeting, the board selected Lee Carson as its new male co-chair and Stephanie Haynes as secretary.

Carson will replace Micah Mahjoubian, co-chair for the past year, who will remain as a board member.

Carson, a health researcher at Public Health Management Corporation, has served on the board for two years and said he was eager to “build upon the years of work that have already been done to make it a strong and viable organization.”

Carson will work alongside female co-chair Adah Bush, who, he said, “demonstrated great leadership over the past year.”

Bush noted that Carson has nearly seven years of community-organizing experience and “has built strong connections to various segments of the LGBT community, which he will use to help grow the organization.”

Haynes, who also serves as community coordinator for Philadelphia Family Pride, has been an active member of Liberty City for four years.

Re-elected to the board were treasurer Eric Cheung, Sarah Jacobson, Mahjoubian and Su Ming Yeh, while Bush and Howard Moseley were not up for re-election yet.

Haynes was newly elected alongside at-large member Dwayne Bensing, a second-year law student at the University of Pennsylvania, where he serves as president of the Lambda Law group.

Jen Colletta can be reached at [email protected].

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