Is Philadelphia ready for an openly LGBT City Council person?
Ryan Dieringer
musician | South Philadelphia
“Definitely within the next eight years, we’ll have an open lesbian or gay on City Council. But it might take longer to have an open transgender. My impres-sion of the prevailing sentiment of the city is that it’s moving in the right direction — I’m surprised we haven’t had one already.”
Ryan Dieringer
musician | South Philadelphia
“Definitely within the next eight years, we’ll have an open lesbian or gay on City Council. But it might take longer to have an open transgender. My impres-sion of the prevailing sentiment of the city is that it’s moving in the right direction — I’m surprised we haven’t had one already.”

Kizzey Hammond
case worker | Los Angeles
“Oh yes. My feel of the city is that it’s a very welcoming environment. People are open-minded here, and accepting of everybody. It’s a good city.”

Andre Henson
student | West Philadelphia
“Yes. If the candidate has composure, skill, decency and integrity, they’ll get in regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. But they must present themselves with a respectful stature. Over-the-top flamboyancy isn’t going to make it.”

Danny Middleton
performer | Northeast Philadelphia
“Yes, as long as they aren’t pushing a negative stereotype, or being too flaming: Philadelphia can be very prejudiced at times. But it’s come a long way. I think we can get past the prejudice, and get a member of our community on City Council.”
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