What would be appropriate discipline for an antigay service member?
Norah Brennan
student | Harrisburg
“Put them on probation. If they demonstrate more responsible behavior during the probationary period, they can get off probation. But if they continue exhibiting antigay behavior, they should definitely be dismissed.”
Norah Brennan
student | Harrisburg
“Put them on probation. If they demonstrate more responsible behavior during the probationary period, they can get off probation. But if they continue exhibiting antigay behavior, they should definitely be dismissed.”

Fred Hill
medical salesperson | South Philadelphia
“The law is the law. For the first offense, a reprimand. For the second offense, a fair hearing. If the person is guilty, offer them the option of counseling. If they refuse counseling, they should be relieved of duty.”

Dayonna McCray
dietitian | Southwest Philadelphia
“If they have antigay opinions, deal with them leniently because it’s a time of transition. They’re still adjusting. But if they make fun of gays, they should be put out — point blank. That’s totally unacceptable.”

Jana Slipski
student | Society Hill
“I would tend to be patient. Give a verbal warning the first time. The issue of homo-sexuality might be something entirely new to them. They might not know how to act around folks who are different. If the problem continues, and they’re clearly not getting the picture, a diversity class should be required.”
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