How will the Supreme Court rule in the funeral-protesters case?

How will the Supreme Court rule in the funeral-protesters case?

Elizabeth Colyar
student | Center City
“As horrible as it is, I think the protesters are within their rights. And the court will uphold their right, even at funerals. If you start making exceptions to the First Amendment, that’s a slippery slope to go down.

Elizabeth Colyar
student | Center City
“As horrible as it is, I think the protesters are within their rights. And the court will uphold their right, even at funerals. If you start making exceptions to the First Amendment, that’s a slippery slope to go down.

Matthew Guida
student | Center City
“The judges will support the grieving families because they’re being targeted for harassment. The protesters will lose because they’re inciting violence. For that reason, their activities should be limited. The court will see it as a public-safety issue.”

Madeline Hart
student | South Philadelphia
“Knowing the way our government works, the judges probably will side with the protesters. Unfortunately, many people in power agree with the antigay message of the protesters. I just wish people would be less judgmental.”

Angelina McCurdy
student | Turnersville, N.J.
“They’ll rule against the protesters because they’re infringing on the rights of grieving families. It’s not like the protesters can’t find less intrusive venues to make their point. I think the Supreme Court will realize the protesters have other options.”

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