Out candidate wins grassroots nod

Fern Kaufman, an openly lesbian candidate running for the State House 26th District seat in Chester County, got a boost of support last week when she received the endorsement of national grassroots agency Democracy For America.

DFA, founded by Howard Dean, launched its Grassroots All-Stars contest last month that allowed constituents to mobilize for their chosen candidates, with the highest vote-getter from each state garnering the organization’s endorsement. Kaufman was able to generate more votes than 11 other candidates from Pennsylvania.

As a result of her win, Kaufman is now listed among the All-Star winners on the DFA website, and her victory was announced through an e-mail blast sent out by DFA chair Jim Dean to all Pennsylvanians who voted in the competition.

Kaufman said her campaign applied for the DFA endorsement several months ago and she was surprised when she saw her name in the running for the Pennsylvania Grassroots All-Star.

“I didn’t think much about it because I hadn’t heard anything back from them and the campaign’s just been moving on, and then I got an e-mail from the Liberty City Democratic Club about the contest and then other people were e-mailing me saying that they voted and good luck, but it was news to me at first,” she said.

When she learned of the contest, Kaufman was in fourth place, and she said she quickly mobilized supporters to get out the word.

“It was really grassroots. I immediately put it up on Facebook and reached out the tentacles and tried to get everybody and their brother behind this. I talked to as many people as I could everywhere that I was. I was in the supermarket, the doctor’s office, at work just telling everyone to vote. We had an army of folks who made it their mission to get enough support for this.”

Micah Mahjoubian, co-chair of Liberty City, said his organization sent out messages to its more-than 5,000 members, urging all to log on and vote for Kaufman.

While the DFA endorsement was a welcomed addition to her campaign, Kaufman said she still recognizes the work that lies ahead.

“I’m not under any delusions about what I’m up against here. This [contest] was a great and wonderful thing and I’m thrilled about it, but it doesn’t change the raw facts: I have a real uphill battle against an 18-year incumbent who’s locked into a culture in the district that I’m trying to change for the better,” she said. “We have a whole lot of work to do. We need support, we need people to donate, to come canvas with us, because those are the things that win elections.”

Mahjoubian and partner Ryan Bunch will host a fundraiser for Kaufman from 5:30-7 p.m. Sept. 7 at the office of Ceisler Media, 1525 Locust St., sixth floor. Suggested contributions are $25, $50 and $100. For more information or to RSVP, contact Mahjoubian at (215) 423-1068 or micah@soapboxsolutions.com.

For more information on Kaufman or to get involved with the campaign, visit www.fern4pa.com.

Jen Colletta can be reached at jen@epgn.com.

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