News Briefing

Vote for out candidate

Democracy for America is currently hosting an online contest to determine which political candidates have the most grassroots support and are deserving of the DFA endorsement.

Fern Kaufman, an openly lesbian candidate seeking to represent the 26th District in the Pennsylvania House, is one of 12 Pennsylvanians who could be named DFA’s Pennsylvania All-Star.

Kaufman, who will face off with longtime Republican incumbent Tim Hennessey in the November election, describes herself as a social progressive and fiscal conservative and, if elected, would become the first openly LGBT person in the Pennsylvania state legislature.

For more information or to vote, visit

Gay skydivers jump in NJ

The third-annual Rainbow Boogie, the world’s only gay skydiving event, will be held Aug. 26-29 in Williamstown, N.J., allowing both experienced and new skydivers to take to the skies.

Rainbow Skydivers will attempt a 20-person “Gay Way” jump to set a new world record, nearly double the size of the 2009 12-person joint freestyle jump the group staged. Events will take place at Skydive Cross Keys, about 20 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport.

Skydive Cross Keys offers training for first-time jumpers, and spectators are welcome. Rainbow Skydivers will host a series of parties and other activities throughout the weekend.

For more information, search for Rainbow Skydivers on Facebook or e-mail [email protected].

Grant program for artists

Local grantmaking agency Philly Stake is accepting proposals for a grant to fund area arts projects.

Philly Stake hosts seasonal dinners, with meals generated by local farms and purveyors, where diners pay a on sliding scale from $10-$20 and vote on a series of proposed arts projects.

The projects should be innovative, creative and contribute to the vitality of the local area.

To apply, artists must answer a series of questions about their proposed projects and submit images that detail the project or past work. The first 15 proposals submitted that meet the criteria will be unveiled at the next Stake dinner.

Proposals are due by noon Sept. 10.

For details, visit

— Jen Colletta

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