Did the Sherrod flap alter your opinion of the Obama administration’s commitment to minority rights?

Did the Sherrod flap alter your opinion of the Obama administration’s commitment to minority rights?

Zachary Gray
canvasser | Washington Square West
“I never thought the administration was all that committed to minority rights. I’m very concerned about the limits it’s placed on women’s reproductive freedom. Somebody screwed up by firing Shirley Sherrod. But I’m reserving judgment as to the scope of the problem.”

Zachary Gray
canvasser | Washington Square West
“I never thought the administration was all that committed to minority rights. I’m very concerned about the limits it’s placed on women’s reproductive freedom. Somebody screwed up by firing Shirley Sherrod. But I’m reserving judgment as to the scope of the problem.”

Russell Langley
musician | South Philadelphia
“It makes me a little wary of Obama. If you’re going to fire somebody, you should look into it carefully before taking such drastic action. The administration drops just a notch in my estimation. But I don’t blame Obama personally.”

Anders Larson
student | South Philadelphia
“I don’t question the sincerity of Obama’s commitment to minority rights. But political expediency comes first with him. Most presidents would get rid of a person that’s seen as politically damaging. This doesn’t change my view of Obama or his administration.”

Amy Miskovsky
nursing student | Washington Square West
“The president shouldn’t rely on a media source, Fox News, that’s not known to be impartial. It was surprising to me that Obama made such a poor and rash decision. But that doesn’t necessarily reflect a lack of commitment to minority rights.”

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