Protests get personal

Blaze Waters and about 70 other protesters gathered outside Albert’s Cafe and Sports Bar in Northeast Philadelphia July 24 to protest the shuttering of House of Blaze, an LGBT club above Albert’s. Waters has been locked in a rental dispute with building owner Albert Buoncristiano, who Waters said has tripled his rent and locked the doors to the club earlier this month, preventing him from retrieving personal belongings. Prior to the protest, someone took a photo of Blaze’s daughter and posted it on a pole outside the bar, presumably in retaliation, Waters said. Another protest is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. July 31 at Albert’s, 3180 Grant Ave. A fundraiser for House of Blaze will be held from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Aug. 21 at Voyeur, 1221 St. James St.

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