Is Elena Kagan’s sexual orientation of any interest to you?
Maureen Belluscio
graduate student | Society Hill
“No, because I have nothing to do with her sexuality. In the broader perspective, if she is a lesbian, I’d like to see her come out. She’d be a valuable role model for the younger generation. But I hate that we live in a world where being lesbian is seen as a negative.”
Maureen Belluscio
graduate student | Society Hill
“No, because I have nothing to do with her sexuality. In the broader perspective, if she is a lesbian, I’d like to see her come out. She’d be a valuable role model for the younger generation. But I hate that we live in a world where being lesbian is seen as a negative.”

Ryan Kurtz
bartender | Rehoboth Beach, Del.
“No. Politics don’t mix with the Supreme Court. Her sexual orientation shouldn’t have any effect on her judicial rulings. My mother is a lesbian, and I work in a gay bar. But I’d never ask [Kagan] about her sexuality.”

Joshua Hey
graphic designer/store clerk | South Philadelphia
“No. It’s a non-issue — though some people will try to make it one. I’m straight, but I’m all for the advancement of gay rights. I realize that some people will try to turn [Kagan] into a gay crusader. Others will try to use the information against her. I don’t think she wants any of that attention.”

Brian Lavery
student | Washington Square West
“No. It’s better kept unsaid. Sexual orientation doesn’t have anything to do with her ability to be a Supreme Court justice. I could care less whether she’s a lesbian. I just care that she does her job correctly and morally.”
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