Giovanni’s Room, the oldest LGBT bookstore in the nation, was the site of an attempted burglary last week.
Ed Hermance, store owner, said he was contacted by police on the morning of May 13, after the officers noticed the window on the front door of the store, at 12th and Spruce streets, was smashed.
Police had no suspects as of press time. Nothing was taken, and investigators so far don’t believe the incident was motivated by anti-LGBT bias.
Police believe the incident occurred at about 1:10 a.m. May 13. Someone threw a brick through the windowpane on the door and then reached inside to unlock it.
Once inside, the would-be thief or thieves unsuccessfully searched for money, Hermance said.
“They headed straight for the cash register on the first floor and pulled it out from under where we keep it and got it open, but there was no money in it,” he said. “But we think they just left shortly after that, because nothing else seemed to be missing.”
Store employee Qui Alexander said it appears the culprit proceeded upstairs and “rummaged around” looking for money, but nothing was missing there either.
Police noticed the damage around 3 a.m. and entered the store. The officers located a list of employee phone numbers and began placing calls, reaching Hermance at 8 a.m.
Alexander said the store’s alarm could be heard in the background of the messages left by police, but it was unclear whether the alarm system — located in the store’s office — was tripped by the burglar or police.
Alexander said the police stayed at the store until Hermance and other employees arrived.
There was no other property damage besides the shattered glass that was strewn across the first floor, the cleanup of which delayed the store’s opening last Thursday.
“There was glass in the whole front room,” Alexander said. “All of the bookshelves in the front were filled with glass.”
Hermance contacted a repair company Thursday and expected the replacement of the window to cost at least $300. Until the window can be installed, a piece of wood was secured over the pane.
Police spokesperson Officer Christine O’Brien said the responding officers dusted for fingerprints, and that the investigation is ongoing.
Jen Colletta can be reached at