Is there any place in America where it’s advantageous to be an LGBT candidate?

Is there any place in America where it’s advantageous to be an LGBT candidate?

Jeffrey Cesari
creative director | Graduate Hospital area
“Right here in Center City. Absolutely. The LGBT community is very active and politically aware, with a strong support system. People can identity with an openly LGBT candidate. It’s that personal connection that many voters would feel.”

Jeffrey Cesari
creative director | Graduate Hospital area
“Right here in Center City. Absolutely. The LGBT community is very active and politically aware, with a strong support system. People can identity with an openly LGBT candidate. It’s that personal connection that many voters would feel.”

Nicholas Johnson
guitar instructor | Chestnut Hill
“San Francisco. Judging from the comments of my friends who live there, I think it would be a benefit. I also have a gay uncle from San Francisco. He says it’s a completely different culture and mindset — [one that’s] very open and accepting of the LGBT community.”

Heather Phillips
photographer | South Philadelphia
“Northampton, Mass. I’ve been there many times. It’s a nice, earthy, small city with a vibrant LGBT community. In that town, I could envision it being an asset. But the rest of America is too closed off, including Center City, Philadelphia.”

Abigail Seligsohn
graphic designer | Chinatown
“Yes. New York City; San Francisco; Center City, Philly; South Beach, Fla. Any metropolitan city with a sizeable gay community. That’s just common sense. Being open about one’s sexual orientation and gender identity shows inner strength, fortitude and self-knowledge.”

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