Gay Pride springs eternal in this town

I need to start by thanking everyone who participated in the 2010 Mr. Gay Philadelphia competition. From our sponsors and volunteers to the outstanding hosting job executed by Frank DeCaro and Brittany Lynn, to the live performances of Estephano-Ray DiSanto, Paolo Andino and Jonny McGovern to the deepest field in Mr. Gay Philadelphia history, we collectively raised the bar for all future events. I also extend my warmest congratulations to Mr. Gay Philadelphia 2010, Ryan Mattis. Ryan is the total package, and will be an exceptional representative of Philadelphia’s LGBT community throughout the year. Make sure to mark your calendar for Nov. 13, when Philadelphia will host the Mr. Gay United States competition at Voyeur Nightclub, 1221 St. James St. To view photos from the 2010 Mr. Gay Philadelphia competition, visit and the “Gay Philly” page on Facebook.

Now let’s look forward to the next few months, which I affectionately refer to as Philadelphia’s “LGBT Pride Season.” Whereas most cities have a week or month in the summer dedicated to gay pride, Philadelphia has a series of Pride events staggered throughout the late spring, summer and early fall. We’ve got Black Gay Pride going on now, Equality Forum in early May, Philadelphia Gay Pride in June and OutFest in October. When added to regional pride festivals, such as New Hope Celebrates in Bucks County, we’ve got more Pride than any other city in the country. While many of the marquee events are well publicized and attended, there are many educational, social and community-building activities that fly under the radar. After Black Gay Pride culminates this weekend, Equality Forum’s weeklong celebration will begin on April 26. Here is a preview of some worthy Equality Forum events you might not know about.

— Women’s Party: Battle of the DJs, 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. April 28 at Sisters, 1320 Chancellor St. In addition to the women’s closing party after SundayOUT, Equality Forum will host a mid-week party at Sisters. Many local lesbian DJs will square off against one another at Sisters. With drink specials on tap and bragging rights on the line, this is certain to be one of the most entertaining and exciting events during Equality Forum 2010.

— Film screening: “Preacher’s Sons,” 7:30-9:30 p.m. April 30 at Arts Bank, 601 S. Broad St. This year’s festival will feature two provocative new films. The first, “Preacher’s Sons,” is the story of a white gay couple, The Rev. Greg Stewart and Stillman, who adopt five black sons. Set in the American heartland, it’s a touching and humorous tale of a family that fights racism and homophobia daily. Tickets are only $5, and the ticketing window will open at 7 p.m. Friday.

— Student Youth Welcome Mixer: 8-9 p.m. April 30 at the University of Pennsylvania LGBT Student Center, 3907 Spruce St. As the visibility and social acceptance of openly LGBT individuals has steadily increased over the last several decades, higher-education institutions have helped lead the way. This trend continues as Equality Forum, Equality Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia Student Unity Project invite LGBT students from all area colleges and universities to a dessert reception at the UPenn LGBT Center. The event is free for all students.

— Cabaret and dancing: 10 p.m.-2 a.m. April 30 at Tavern on Camac, 243 S. Camac St. Blow off steam and throw back a few cocktails at Tavern’s top floor, the Ascend Lounge. It’s the perfect way to mark the end of a busy week and kick off the weekend.

— Film screening: “Out in the Silence,” from 7:30-9:30 p.m. May 1 at Arts Bank. Set in rural Pennsylvania, this film explores the ripple effects caused by a same-sex wedding announcement on the friends, family and community of those involved. A Q&A with the filmmakers, Joe Wilson and Dean Hamer, will follow the film. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the theater on Saturday evening.

— National Same-Sex Commitment Ceremony: 2:30 p.m. May 2 at The Piazza and Liberties Walk, North Second Street and Germantown Avenue.During SundayOUT at The Piazza, LGBT couples are invited to reaffirm their commitment to one another, and raise awareness of the more-than 1,100 federal marital benefits denied to those in same-sex relationships.

Beyond the preceding events, Equality Forum has a wide range activities taking place this week. Visit for all the details. In the meantime, e-mail questions or comments to [email protected]. ’Til next time, get offline and see what your community has to offer!

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