Rummage for treasures
The First Unitarian Church at 2125 Chestnut St. will hold a rummage sale from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Feb. 20.
The church collected high-quality items from parishioners that will be sold to generate funding so the church can provide insurance to its staff.
For more information, call Kim Balaschak at (215) 847-1986.
Art fundraiser for Mazzoni
Local arts organization ARTmob will stage a fundraiser for LGBT health facility Mazzoni Center from 7-10 p.m. Feb. 22 at JR’s Lounge, 1305 Locust St.
ARTmob will offer guests a night of entertainment with author Brad Windhauser, poet Vince Ancona, singer Lauren Curci and visual artist Dennis Flynn, who conceived of the event.

A portion of the $10 ticket price will be donated to Mazzoni, as will a portion of the proceeds from artwork sold at the benefit. Guests are also asked to bring a can of soup for Mazzoni’s food bank, which provides meals to 850 local families affected by HIV/AIDS.
COLOURS talks criminal justice
The COLOURS Organization Inc. will host a community forum to address opportunities for sexual-minority people of color who’ve experienced criminal-justice issues at 6 p.m. Feb. 23 at Arch Street United Methodist Church, 55 N. Broad St.
For more information, call Lawrence Frazier at (215) 496-0330.
Red-carpet fundraiser
The Traverse Arts Project will hold its second-annual Red Carpet Party March 7 at The Radisson Warwick Hotel Philadelphia, 1701 Locust St., as a fundraiser for this spring’s Festivale! Phildelphia GLBT Arts Festival.
The recently crowned Miss’D America, Michelle Dupree, and pageant director Robert “Sandy Beach” Hitchen will host the party, started by GLBT Arts Festival founder T. Desiree Hines. The event will feature red-carpet photos, hors d’oeuvres, drink specials from 8 p.m.-midnight and a large-scale projection of the 82nd annual Oscars. Tickets range from $30-$60.
For more information or to purchase tickets, visit
— Jen Colletta