Would you ever purposely out someone?

Would you ever purposely out someone?

Angelo Ciurlino
stock clerk | Washington Square West
“Generally speaking, no. I can keep a secret. But if I found out about a politician who’s really giving gay people a hard time, I’d probably post the information on the Internet. I know gay people go through a lot. If I can lend a helping hand — fine.”

Angelo Ciurlino
stock clerk | Washington Square West
“Generally speaking, no. I can keep a secret. But if I found out about a politician who’s really giving gay people a hard time, I’d probably post the information on the Internet. I know gay people go through a lot. If I can lend a helping hand — fine.”

Jason Lyons
lighting designer | Manhattan
“No. That’s a slippery slope that I wouldn’t go down under any circumstances. It’s not my place to talk about someone else’s sexuality. I can’t think of any situation where I would make an exception.”

Ryan Rumery
sound designer | Brooklyn
“No. It would be bad karma. I would never want anyone to talk about my private life. I’d like to think I’d extend that same courtesy to others. I’m very guarded about my private life. That’s just my personality.”

Gina Pierce
art student | South Philadelphia
“No, I’m not the gossipy type. I don’t talk behind people’s backs. I prefer communicating face-to-face. If the situation involved a hypocritical politician — in that case, I might talk about it with friends. But I wouldn’t post anything on the Internet. That’s too intrusive for my style.”

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