Community rallies behind Giovanni’s Room

The nation’s oldest LGBT bookstore is beginning to show its age.

One of the brick walls that borders Giovanni’s Room, at 12th and Pine streets, is in dire need of replacement, the store’s owner says, and a construction project expected to begin in the next two weeks will provide a much-needed facelift for the building — but not without a hefty price tag.

Ed Hermance, Giovanni’s Room owner, said the 12th Street wall will need to be entirely torn down and replaced, which he expects will cost about $50,000.

About 30 people attended a planning meeting July 28 at the William Way LGBT Community Center to brainstorm about fundraising for the project.

“I personally just don’t have the resources to be able to afford this and it just brings the day closer that I can’t afford to run this place,” Hermance said. “So I’m hoping people will help out just as they have for more than 30 years now.”

Hermance said that so far Butch Cordora has agreed to host a fundraising poker tournament and openly gay writer Christopher Rice, son of author Anne Rice, has offered to be a guest of honor for a “Famous Authors Dinner.” Hermance said the store is looking to launch a series of fundraising dinners with other well-known writers and is working on securing the talent.

And the local community has already begun to show its appreciation for the longstanding LGBT institution: Within several days after making the announcement of the renovations, the store brought in more than $1,600 in donations.

The story has been picked up by local and national media outlets and Hermance has gotten calls of support from as far away as Oakland, Calif.

“It’s just been so overwhelming,” he said. “We’re off and running but we still have a long way to go.”

The store will also have an “increased presence” at this year’s OutFest, on Oct. 11, and plans to work with a professional photographer who will take photos of attendees and the event, which could then possibly be compiled into a calendar.

In the immediate future, Giovanni’s Room will host a tribute to out writer E. Lynn Harris, who passed away last week, from 5:30-7 p.m. July 31, where donations will be welcomed.

Giovanni’s Room originally opened its doors at Second and South streets in 1973. Hermance and former co-owner Arleen Olshan took over ownership three years later.

In 1979, Hermance moved the store to its current location, a building that dates back to 1880. He said he believes the wall in question is the original.

Hermance said a representative of a local historical agency informed him of the need for the project in June.

“Randy Baron from the Philadelphia Historical Commission came in probably six weeks ago saying he was really concerned about the stability of the wall. So I called my architect and she got an engineer who came out and looked at it and agreed that it was unstable, and drew up some plans,” he said.

Hermance hired a contractor who specializes in historic restoration. The owner expects that after the renovations, the “building will look better than it has looked in 100 years.”

The construction is expected to last three or four weeks, with additional time needed to work on the wall from the interior of the building. Hermance said the store will be open during construction.

Those looking to get involved in a planning committee should call Aquila Alexander at (215) 923-2960.

Jen Colletta can be reached at [email protected].

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