Did homophobia impact the “American Idol” vote?
Austin Algeo
bartender | South Philadelphia
“No. It’s just a bunch of teeny-bopper girls voting for a cute little boy. Adam had the better voice. But Kris was sexier. And he had more relatability to the teenage girls.”
Austin Algeo
bartender | South Philadelphia
“No. It’s just a bunch of teeny-bopper girls voting for a cute little boy. Adam had the better voice. But Kris was sexier. And he had more relatability to the teenage girls.”

Laurence Harrington
pre-law student | Washington Square West
“Yes. Having gone to school in Indiana, I realize there’s a lot of conservatism out in Middle America. It’s getting better with the younger generation, but not that much better. Things are in flux. It’s unfortunate that sexual orientation still matters to some people.”

Trisha Schimek
medical student | Society Hill
“I’ll say no. It’s the older generation that would be bothered by someone’s sexual orientation. And they’re not the ones voting, for the most part. I’m 24. My generation is getting much more accepting about homosexuality.”
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