Will the Miss California controversy have any impact on marriage equality?
Jack Nichols
student | Roxborough
“No. The Miss USA pageant isn’t that culturally significant. Miss California won’t win any converts to her way of thinking. She got on the national stage because of her looks, not her intellect. People realize that. Her opinion on gay marriage won’t change the way the nation feels.”
Jack Nichols
student | Roxborough
“No. The Miss USA pageant isn’t that culturally significant. Miss California won’t win any converts to her way of thinking. She got on the national stage because of her looks, not her intellect. People realize that. Her opinion on gay marriage won’t change the way the nation feels.”

Damon Stanley
customer service representative | Northeast Philadelphia
“It could hurt the cause. I think Perez Hilton’s attack on Miss California was very inappropriate. He shouldn’t have blasted her that way. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It just gives the impression that gays are too dogmatic.”

Courtney Taylor
student | West Philadelphia
“The whole thing is a big mess. Perez Hilton shouldn’t have called her a bitch. And she should be more open-minded. But I hope it will help gays by bringing the issue [of gay marriage] to the public’s attention once again. I’m rooting for the gays.”

Christopher Testa
cartoon animator | Washington Square West
“Some will see Miss California as a sympathetic figure who’s being persecuted. In that sense, it could do damage to the movement for gay marriage. Now the opponents have a martyr to rally around. She’s a new mascot for the right wing.”
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