It’s been a bumpy ride, kids, but hold on a little longer and be patient: 2009 may finally deliver a soft landing. Pluto moves into practical Capricorn and makes sterling aspects for Saturn and Uranus. Wisdom has come dearly but now we can catapult to the next big thing. Just watch out for low ceilings …
ARIES (March 21-April 20)
Your career figures prominently through 2009, gay Ram. It is not just that you are able to carve out a strong professional reputation for yourself; you also have to roll up your sleeves and tackle the messy and surprising recriminations that result from your swift and certain advancement. Will you stomp on a few suits who stand in your way? Stomp away.
TAURUS (April 21-May 21)
This is the year to expand your horizons, maximize your global reach and expand your empire. Are you tired just thinking about it? Queer Bulls must not rest on their laurels. There is too much to do and too many people to meet to waste time worrying about the details. Your year is filled with friendship and fun. Gluttony is one sin you can ignore … for now.
GEMINI (May 22-June 21)
Expect to be swept off your feet by a brand-new or refreshingly updated love this year. Flirty pink Twins who flit from date to date may find themselves hovering over a particular bud longer than usual. Spice up and recharge your love style. You will need something special to entice a certain someone to work less at the office and work more at home.

CANCER (June 22-July 23)
Relationships are in for a reevaluation and the transformation will prove to be heavenly. It is just what was needed and just in time! For those gay Crabs who are waiting for the right connection, 2009 will give you the best lines and ample personal electricity. Plug into a few new sockets and see who lights up your life. Will you be zapped or charged?
LEO (July 24-Aug. 23)
Health, diet and exercise is accentuated in 2009. Lions become the proud beasts they are billed to be and find that their animal magnetism sparks the amour of any flinty character they choose. But lethargy, procrastination and general sloth will not turn the trick. Pass on the assorted cookies and find your sugar without the calories. If you go for cake, make it beef or cheese.
VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23)
This will be a year of fun, frolic and merriment. How is that for a nice change of pace, queer Virgin? Everything that you have been working toward can come to fruition — often in surprising ways. Relationships can be made or lost if need be. No one and nothing should hold you back. So think about what you really want out of life. Now go forward and make it happen.
LIBRA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)
This is the year to make changes and improvement in your home and in family interactions. Proud Libras will try to be diplomatic, but sometimes hard decisions must be made. Not only do you gain confidence, you also upend any barriers that are keeping you from personal success and contentment. It is OK to be a bit selfish … at least this year.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
Not only can you get your point across, you do it in a way that makes everyone happy or at least somewhat accepting. Proud Scorps find ways to enhance their social standing this year. You have a lot to offer and should get involved in powerful organizations where you meet the power elite. Friends in high places give you more than mere cache. They give you access.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 22)
If your best financial instincts are correct, this could be the big payoff year. How carefully have you managed your portfolio, gay Archer? If your career appears stalled, you find the confidence to make a sharp and surprising change. (Or maybe it is done for you?) Stay centered and keep your options open so you have the freedom to come and go as you please.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jan. 20)
This can be a transformative year for you on several levels, from appearance to communication. Experiment and see what works best for you. Try for a new “look” and go for the dramatic makeover so you can stop traffic and win hearts. The secret to your success is to spread yourself thin across many groups and situations. The more, the merrier. Be extremely merry, in fact.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)
If things bubble up from behind the scenes, try to take it all in stride and don’t lose your footing or confidence. This will be a bellwether year for love and money, when the hard-learned lessons from the past come in handy. Consolidation and restructuring will enable you to conquer all. But Aqueerians may find that love costs more than expected. Hide the pocket change.
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20)
Guppies find themselves swimming in much bigger social ponds this year. Your ascendancy into the upper echelons of society will be surprising but swift. Will partners become jealous? Only if you allow yourself to be swept up in the excitement and start to believe your own press. Keep your feet on the ground while your head is in the stars. And hide the celeb magazines.
Charlene Lichtenstein’s blog, covers everything New Age. Her astrology book, “HerScopes: A Guide To Astrology For Lesbians,” is available online and at local retailers.