Horoscopes: Sept. 6-12, 2024

(Illustration: Ash Cheshire)

Aries: Relationships continue to refine and redefine themselves this week. You are getting a clearer picture of things ahead concerning your future with friendships and partnerships. If you feel impatient at home or with close relationships, it can be good to stay busy and focus on things that relax you and get outside of the situation a bit, lest you react disproportionately. You are transitioning out of self-limiting or sabotaging thoughts and habits. Mental energy is sharpened on the 12th thanks to Mercury and Mars interaction. September is a season for self improvement and being gentle with yourself.

This week’s astrological friends: Virgo, Scorpio

This week’s overall vibe: Love 4/5, Career 3/5, Friendship 3/5

Taurus: It’s good to graciously accept compliments. It’s even better to have a solid self esteem all on your own, and maybe sometimes it’s good to show off a bit. That being said, someone may be trying to manipulate you by laying on the compliments very heavily. Letting things go to your head can put you in a vulnerable position and you may not even realize it. Be mindful of where things are coming from and why. Get comfortable with your curiosity and don’t just accept the way the games are played.

This week’s astrological friends: Gemini, Sagittarius

This week’s overall vibe: Love 2/5, Career 3/5, Friendship 4/5

Gemini: Romance, finances and creativity continue to be prioritized this week. You have a strong desire to connect emotionally with others. Your imagination is strong. This is also a good week to make investments of all kinds. It doesn’t have to be your typical stocks or bonds. It can be the purchase of quality goods that will last a long time, to putting energy or money into classes or education. You have become increasingly aware of the extrinsic and intrinsic value of things in life and how certain factors play into that. Mercury moves into Virgo and you think about what you can do for others. There is more subtlety and nuance to your approach.

This week’s astrological friends: Taurus, Virgo

This week’s overall vibe: Love 4/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 5/5

Cancer: It may be time to reel it in if you have been pushing yourself to your limits in terms of work and socializing. A little care and caution for yourself goes a long way. Communication improves with friends, family and partners. You are feeling more spiritually balanced after a challenging period in which you reach a resolution after confronting a heavy truth with the north node opposite Lilltih on the 6th. The moon waxes and your energy and potential increases.

This week’s astrological friends: Scorpio, Aqaurius

This week’s overall vibe: Love 2/5, Career 3/5, Friendship 4/5

Leo: You are yearning to get closer to someone or something. You like to give gifts and compliments more than usual this week. This is a transformative period in which you hone your communication skills and get deeply in touch with your emotions and subconscious desires. Mercury in Virgo inspires you to be more mindful of your words and to be observant of the effects they have on others. With the north node opposing Lilltih on the 6th, you fully embrace a difficult truth and alchemize it into wisdom.

This week’s astrological friends: Scorpio, Libra

This week’s overall vibe: Love 3/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 4/5

Virgo: Memories and nostalgia take you on an inner journey this week. You are on the brink of a new phase after this momentary visit to the past. Your ruling planet in your first house brings harmony to your daily goings on and you can accomplish many things on your to-do list. Beware of your harsh inner critic. With the north node opposite Lilltih on the 6th, you decide it’s time to make peace with being misunderstood or disliked in some situations.

This week’s astrological friends: Scorpio, Aries

This week’s overall vibe: Love 5/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 5/5

Libra: Putting yourself out there can feel precarious but you have a special confidence coming from deep within. This can be an opportune time to showcase your talents and do some self promoting. Breakthroughs at work or in relationships are likely to come about when you are straightforward and take the initiative. Avoid overcomplicating things. Sometimes “sophisticated” can turn into convoluted.

This week’s astrological friends: Leo, Capricorn

This week’s overall vibe: Love 3/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 4/5

Scorpio: This week, you make good impressions and set off a chain reaction of opportunities that may surface in the near future. Thanks to Mercury in Virgo, you are at peak performance when it comes to learning and communicating. Things you study or practice now can be quite rewarding. When the north node opposes Lilith on the 6th, you find acceptance after a period of lingering melancholy.

This week’s astrological friends: Virgo, Gemini

This week’s overall vibe: Love 4/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 5/5

Sagittarius: Take things day by day for now. You might have a big plan but it will need to be broken down into steps in order to be achievable. Relationships continue to be where you find inspiration and hope, your oldest friendships are worth more than gold. With the north node opposite Lilltih on the 6th, you come face to face with a bad habit of yours that you know needs to change.

This week’s astrological friends: Capricorn, Taurus

This week’s overall vibe: Love 5/5, Career 3/5, Friendship 5/5

Capricorn: Attention to details pays off. This is an ideal week for planning and gathering resources. You are likely to make friends through work. Creativity flows as long as you can get yourself started on something, which can be the most challenging part. With the north node opposite Lillith on the 6th, you get more comfortable with intimate things about yourself.

This week’s astrological friends: Cancer, Pisces

This week’s overall vibe: Love 3/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 5/5

Aquarius: Don’t agree to anything without knowing the whole story. Take a few days before making announcements or signing up for things to take time to really complete your decision making process and to gauge your reasonings. Keep an open mind when it comes to relationships. If you are committed, this could mean that your partner will have a very different opinion than you that could be worth tuning into. If you are single, it may be a period in which you keep things casual (make sure everyone is in the loop if this is your intention).

This week’s astrological friends: Virgo, Libra

This week’s overall vibe: Love 4/5, Career 2/5, Friendship 3/5

Pisces: Much of your energy is focused on your relationships both platonic and romantic. You might find yourself having a lot of meaningful conversations that will influence the foundations and trajectory of your connections. Even if you are busy with work or other things, it can be more fulfilling or even energizing to focus on people. When Lillith opposes the north node on the 6th, you get in touch with your more wild emotions and must embrace your inner chaos.

This week’s astrological friends: Capricorn, Gemini

This week’s overall vibe: Love 5/5, Career 2/5, Friendship 5/5

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