Horoscopes: March 24 to 30

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: Mercury in your solar first house increases your powers of communication and mental energy. You’re feeling sharp and keen. Self expression is direct and satisfying as you feel understood more often than not these days. Relationships improve through playful interactions. Your energy is fun loving and a little silly. Meaningful conversations and breakthroughs are likely but it doesn’t feel super serious. There is a steady flow of things through the end of March. Time seems to fly.

Taurus: Mars will be in your communication sector for the rest of the month and until May 20. This transit makes your communication style more simplistic and direct as you prefer a minimalist mode of express with a maximum impact. You get things done and you get your point across, however the energy of this transit can make your energy being palpably tense to others. They sense something rumbling: perhaps impatience? 

Gemini: Mars, the planet of motivation, assertiveness, and competitiveness, moves into your financial, material goods, and values sector. You have an enterprising energy about you and an eye for quality. You’re feeling no-frills but it doesn’t mean you don’t have goals. There is something you want that you are giving your all to achieve or obtain. Use all your motivations in ways that maximize the return.

Cancer: Saturn moves into a peaceful correspondence with your house of learning, luck, and philosophy. This years long transit will be with you until 2026, where it will have a gradual and subtle stabilizing effect on your studies, practices, and finances. Your life smoothes out more and you learn new things and acquire helpful practical life skills. Career changes, education, and mind expansion are on the horizon. You are maturing and refining. You recognize the importance of knowledge and focus.

Leo: Mercury in your learning, luck and philosophy sector has you dreaming big and sharing your ideas. You’re getting ready to put new plans into action. You’re not really into casual conversation as much as usual and you want to be constructive in your interactions. The perspectives of others interests you. You find yourself thinking and speaking more poetically. Use this time to learn more about yourself and those around you.

Virgo: Your ruling planet Mercury is in your eighth house, the house of spirituality, regeneration, sex, and mystery. This means that you have a thirst for knowledge and you are not afraid to plumb the depths of challenging or taboo topics. You are more likely to challenge the status quo or break down preconceived notions at this time. In relationships you communicate more intimately, and you feel closer when you share a secret with someone you trust. 

Libra: Mars, the planet of competitiveness and motivation, is in your career and reputation sector as we close out March. That means you are feeling ambitious. You may be doing some self promotion or gearing up for your next big accomplishment. It could be an ideal time to gain more independence concerning finances or work. You’re inspired to impress others and improve yourself, but not in a flashy or fake way.

Scorpio: As we close out March, Saturn begins its three-year-long transit of your fifth house, the house of joy, pleasure and fulfillment. This transit has a gradual stabilizing effect in your life as time passes. You are healing your inner child and developing a new ease in your self expression and creativity. Art, committed relationships, and constructive hobbies feel like steady and comfortable parts of your world. You are optimistic, but in a realistic way. Your responsibility blossoms, and you grow into yourself. 

Sagittarius: This week, as we close out March, it is particularly important to you that people take you seriously and treat you with respect. In the past you may have avoided certain conversations because you felt that it would have made waves, but you may now feel that it is worth a bit of productive conflict in order to express your boundaries or needs. You can only avoid things for so long before they start to wear you down.

Capricorn: Pluto begins its slow retrograde transit out of your sign. This means that you are feeling older, wiser, and more refined. You feel that you are slowly emerging out of a slow or dreary period in life and into a new and more interesting era with the things you’ve learned. The energy and sunlight of spring makes you feel like you are capable of anything. Planet of love Venus is at home in your romance sector! It is an ideal time for playful drama, romantic trysts, and art. Your creativity is boosted and you are feeling your emotions deeply. 

Aquarius: As we close out March, Pluto briefly makes a stop in your sign, where it has you feeling existential. You are thinking more deeply about your place in this strange world. Perhaps you seek to reinvent certain aspects of yourself. Meanwhile, Mercury is at home in your third house, the house of communication and mental energy. This transit reminds you to give people the time of day. Good listening and fairness in conversations is extra important at this time. Be curious about the experiences of others. 

Pisces: As we close out March, Saturn the planet of discipline, things that come with time, age and experience, wisdom, determination, and responsibility enters your sign where it will be for the next two years. During this time you will be inspired to develop better habits, make clearer boundaries, and stand by your words. This period of time will help you to mature and to redefine yourself. This transit is gradual, subtle yet fulfilling. Patience is a keyword. Meanwhile, Mars highlights your love, creativity and self expression sector. You are feeling adventurous and expressive in romance. Your desires are clear.

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