Next year’s race for mayor will be an important one for all communities in Philadelphia. For the LGBTQ community, it will also pose a question that seems like a privilege: when every candidate supports LGBTQ rights, who do you vote for? Answering that question will be one of PGN’s jobs over the next months. We’ll aim to help voters understand the positions of every candidate for mayor and help voters make the most informed decision they possibly can.
Like every voting group, LGBTQ people care about a wide variety of issues. Some place significant importance on specific topics and care less about others. Not every LGBTQ voter will place LGBTQ rights at the very top of their list; there may be another issue, like gun violence, the economy, or the environment that is equally or more important. LGBTQ voters are not one dimensional, and they deserve to know all the dimensions of the people they vote for.
Of course, while nearly all the candidates support LGBTQ rights in some form, the levels in which they will support the community will vary. How much a candidate supports LGBTQ issues will also be an important part of PGN’s coverage of the mayor’s race. LGBTQ issues intersect with all other issues, including gun violence, the economy, healthcare, and more. How will the candidates for mayor approach that intersection? We look forward to answering that question and more over the next months.
To help bolster our 2023 election coverage, PGN is participating in Every Voice, Every Vote, a citywide coalition of more than 50 media and community organizations who will put Philadelphia voters and key issues at the center of the elections for mayor and city council. We’ll join outlets including Al Día News, Love Now Media, New Mainstream Press, The Philadelphia Tribune, Resolve Philly, WHYY, and The Philadelphia Inquirer to provide news coverage, candidate interviews, voter guides, and more for every community in every neighborhood in the city.
Every Voice, Every Vote is a project of The Lenfest Institute for Journalism, which is awarding $1.5 million in grants to 52 news media and community organization partners. It is one of the largest collaborative journalism and community engagement efforts ever launched for Philadelphia election coverage.
“Every Voice, Every Vote is one of Philadelphia’s most significant philanthropic investments ever in local journalism and civic engagement. Our work is focused on catalyzing the citizens of Philadelphia, from every neighborhood and community, to lift their voices and determine their own future,” said Lenfest Institute Head of Philadelphia Programs Shawn Mooring, who is leading Every Voice, Every Vote. To learn more about Every Voice, Every Vote, visit everyvoice-everyvote.org. A full list of partners can also be found online.
As of December 7, nine candidates have announced their campaigns for mayor, and there may be more as we get into the new year. By joining Every Voice, Every Vote PGN will be able to interview all candidates who enter the race for mayor, publish an LGBTQ voter guide, and closely cover a wider variety of election issues pertaining to the community. We’ll also cover races including city council and city commissioner, which are equally important to keeping our city running. We look forward to providing comprehensive LGBTQ-centered election coverage, and we hope it helps inform readers not just on candidates but on the issues that matter most.