Horoscopes: Oct. 1 – 7, 2021

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: This week you must simply do as you please; following the lead of others is particularly unappealing. It is important to feel centered and in charge of your own trajectory as the motives and energies of others can result in feeling unbalanced and disoriented. Mercury’s placement has you absorbing the vibes of your environment.

Taurus: Beware getting caught up in the niceness of Libra season and neglecting the realness. Sometimes in being kind to others you become cruel to yourself. Being liked by everyone will not actually improve your self esteem.

Gemini: This week you are finally finding the strength to be vulnerable. You may experience a breakthrough in asking for help or talking about what’s been on your mind. Expectations are shaken up. You find light in the dark corners, but also disappointment from an old standby.

Cancer: This week you have the opportunity to strengthen the relationships that you already have. Forging out into the social scene in search of new acquaintances is for another time. You finally find the right words to say or the right questions to ask to get some very special insight into someone near to you. Your mental energy is high. 

Leo: This week you are realizing how much time you have spent fantasizing. It’s time you really get to it and start making it a reality. It’s true, you’ve gotten through the most important steps of knowing what you want and visualizing, but now it’s time for action.

Virgo: A lot of folks are trying to get to know you, but you won’t let them see the real you. Start out small and share something that has been keeping your attention lately, like a song, a small goal, or an interesting talking point. Intellectual connections lead to the development of interactions that suit your vibe.

Libra: This week with Mercury still in retrograde until the 18th, one should beware of planning too far ahead without all of the proper information and tools. You may get all the way through your recipe only to realize there is no salt in your pantry to season your dish. Lists can be helpful.

Scorpio: This week your discerning eye pays off. Some people may complain that you are too picky, but might later find out for themselves that your judgement was spot on. Your mental energy is intense, not everyone can understand your method right away. Don’t let that make you feel bad.

Sagittarius: This week with Mercury’s continuing retrograde, the energy around you seems topsy turvy. One must move slowly and deliberately at this time. Lofty ambitions can have some frustrating hurdles in the process during this transit,  but that doesn’t mean you should hold off or give up.

Capricorn: This week a rather uncharacteristic wave of outgoingness washes over you. You seek some attention and perhaps even crave a touch of glamour. Under the venusian influence of Libra season we are more likely to indulge our secretly lavish side. The energy around relationships is intriguing and magnetic.

Aquarius: This week you may be tempted to question your own abilities or try to backpedal on a firm decision that was tough to make. Sticking through it and seeing it to the end can feel scary. Stand firm. At the end of the day, you know where you came from. 

Pisces: This week you just can’t seem to sugarcoat it. You grow weary of those with half hearted sentiments and watered down approaches. You take pride in yourself and seek to align yourself with your goals. Anyone who can’t keep up will just have to wait their turn.

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