Horoscopes: July 24-30, 2020

Illustration by Ash Cheshire

Aries: The sun’s first full week of Leo season brings an invigorating and optimistic energy to your days. You may be feeling more outgoing and willing to take initiative during this time. However, this is slightly off-balanced as your ruling planet Mars enters its pre-retrograde shadow period starting on the 25th in your sign. A Mars retrograde may shift out desires, our sexuality and our ambitions, and it may inspire us to explore how we express those things. We may even discover some things we used to want no longer inspire us, and we may also find that there are new things that feel more appealing. Keep an open mind and try to take it slow. This retrograde is with us until mid-November.

Taurus: Under Leo’s fiery influence you are feeling more inclined to fly solo these days. Following your whims works best for right now, and a solid plan may feel rigid and hard to adhere to. Give your mind some space to roam and it will be less likely to leave you feeling overwhelmed. Leo’s influence has the added bonus of bringing some hope and optimism into the picture, something you have been sorely missing over the past few weeks. The gears of deep self reflection may begin to turn.

Gemini: Your mind is active and invested in topics that interest you. The sun in Leo gives you a spark of curiosity and shines a light on your more ambitious ideas. During this time it may feel easier to accept yourself and explore your strong suits. You know now more than ever that it doesn’t pay off pretending to be someone or something that you just aren’t. As a Gemini you often fill multiple roles at any given time, but occasionally you must decide just how sustainable that is.

Cancer: This last week of July and first full week of Leo season give you a jolt of alert and hopeful energy. You may be enjoying the simpler things in life with less anxiety throughout this solar transit. Your own learned experience and the experiences of others are creating a useful guide in your quest for personal meaning. Even the most mundane tasks may be taking a philosophical turn during this time. A few simple words from a trusted source can be particularly eye-opening. Look out for the signs.

Leo: Your friendship and social sector strengthens as your solar season continues. You feel a sense of purpose to your relationships and you feel more inclined to share ideas and initiate activities. Your desires and ambitions ask you for a re-evaluation. There are things you have been pursuing that perhaps no longer suit you and there are things that have maybe gone overlooked that would be a better fit. Through Mars’ retrograde we can see a shift in the way we express our physical and sexual energy and there may be a period of “figuring things out” that feels uncertain but also enlightening. You’ve got plenty of time to think about it since this retrograde will be with us for four more months.

Virgo: This week’s solar Leo energy ignites your ambitions and helps you to gain momentum in social and financial matters. It can now feel easier to get started on things and you may also be feeling more optimistic about the outcome of your projects. Jupiter’s sextile of Neptune on the 27th unlocks a subconscious area that you have been ignoring. There is no room to try to fool oneself, as this transit sheds light and allows you to let go and accept, if you are ready.

Libra: This final week of July has an open and honest feeling about it. You are feeling more candid and comfortable with living moment by moment in the present. Later in the week a Jupiter Neptune transit takes you on a little journey into your subconscious. Dreams may be strangely symbolic and you may have a conversation with yourself that reveals long overlooked hopes and desires. With Neptune’s influence you can usually bet that there is much to be deciphered and uncovered. 

Scorpio: The last week of July sees you trying to stay busy and give yourself things to look forward to in order to maintain your sense of well being, and there is nothing wrong with that. Idle hands can be anxiety-inducing for you under the fiery forward energy of Leo’s influence. Later in the week a Jupiter Neptune sextile unlocks a subconscious, almost physic wavelength that puts you deep in the forest of your own mind. There is something you have been avoiding thinking about that needs release.

Sagittarius: The last week of July gives you a morale boost thanks to the Sun in warm and inviting Leo. Ideas are coming to you quickly and you are ready to start conversations and engage with people more than usual these days. Home life and finances can also see improvement and you are feeling more self-empowered. On the 27th a Jupiter Neptune transit unleashes a subconscious and dreamlike energy that may help you to reveal where you have been holding on to a thought that has been holding you back for quite some time.

Capricorn: These days you are seeking a deeper meaning and sense of purpose. You want to be of service to those you love. The sun in Leo has a way of bringing that to the forefront for you. You may also be inspired to find new ways of expressing yourself and engage in more honest and candid styles of conversation than you normally would. Deep thoughts are unlocked, and emotional vulnerability seems to be the hot topic right now. Perhaps you are figuring out that shyness never really got you anywhere.

Aquarius: This last week of July is a period of perspective shifting and re-evaluating that will continue and increase gradually for you over the next few months. Mars enters its pre-retrograde shadow period on the 25th and we will begin to see a shift in how we wish to express our desires, our sexuality, and our ambitions. Things that we once lusted after may begin to lose their appeal and not feel worth it anymore, while things that we had previously repressed or overlooked may begin to feel more relevant. Take your time with this one. Nothing will change drastically overnight.

Pisces: The end of July has two contradicting and parallel energies for you. The sun in Leo inspires you to feel more in the moment and outgoing. You are extra magnetic during this time and people want to talk to you and seek your company. On the other hand, your ruling planet Neptune sextiles Jupiter on the 27th and brings about a dreamlike state that paves the way right into your subconscious. Self repressions and doubts may be accessed and released during this time. It’s a bit of shadow work that pays off in the light of day.

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