Cross-sports picnic in the park a success

More than 100 athletes, partners and friends converged in FDR Park

Oct. 26 for the first long-awaited gathering of athletes spanning the rainbow of sports options in Philadelphia. From softball to soccer, kickball to tennis and including members of several other organizations, the park was rife with cross-sport challenges and lessons.


The happy collective was part of the new Philadelphia organization Our Philadelphia Athletic League (OPAL), which is gaining traction across the various leagues and teams. In addition to the sporting events, OPAL organizers recognized Team Philadelpha’s Bob Szwajkos with a plaque commemorating his work earlier this year with the Gay Games.


There is still speculation about the future of Team Philadelphia and the funds that it holds. If its operations were to cease, ideas from rolling the money into OPAL, distributing it to teams and leagues or donating a sum to the Gloria Casarez Scholarship Fund at West Chester University have been floated.


OPAL plays the position of receiver at the monthly Delaware Valley Legacy Fund fundraising party 6-8 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Ritz-Carlton, 10 Avenue of the Arts.


Short stops


• The Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League Halloween fundraiser Animation Domination netted more $3,500 for the AIDS Fund Oct. 24 through admissions and a player auction, which saw more than one athlete sell for more than $500. The fall-season closing party is Nov. 15 at Tabu.

• Sports and recreation information can be found on the inside back cover of PGN every fourth Friday of the month or any time on n


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