Should the Boy Scouts be removed from Amazon’s charitable program?
Dylan Reid
student | Washington Square West
“Yes. Amazon shouldn’t be supporting discrimi-nation. I have no sympathy for the Boy Scouts. They perpetuate a negative stereotype of gays. I say this as a gay man and [a] former Cub Scout. As far as I’m concerned, Scouting doesn’t exist anymore. I’ve totally blotted it from my mind.”
Dylan Reid
student | Washington Square West
“Yes. Amazon shouldn’t be supporting discrimi-nation. I have no sympathy for the Boy Scouts. They perpetuate a negative stereotype of gays. I say this as a gay man and [a] former Cub Scout. As far as I’m concerned, Scouting doesn’t exist anymore. I’ve totally blotted it from my mind.”

Caitlin Solazzo
student | Washington Square West
“No. We should try to encourage the Boy Scouts to change. But hurting them financially isn’t necessary. The children have no control over the issue and probably don’t entirely understand it. I just wish we could get to a point where LGBT membership isn’t an issue of concern.”

Christen Thompson
student | Washington Square West
“No, leave the Boy Scouts alone. Stop picking on them. I don’t agree with their [anti-LGBT] policy but they run a good program that helps build character. Don’t punish the children for something the adults are doing.”

Stefan Vlahovic
student | South Philadelphia
“No. I’m all for equality. It sucks what the Boy Scouts are doing but you shouldn’t let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. I totally understand why the LGBT community would be mad. But cutting off the Scouts from Amazon’s program just looks spiteful.”
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